Monday, August 18, 2014

Strawberry Almond Cake- Eggless

Preparation Time: 1 Hrs

Servings : Large Cake

1 tin strawberry flavoured condensed milk ( milk maid)
1 and 1/4 Cups milk( Full Cream)
1 cup(150 gms) White unsalted Butter softened 
1/4 cup powdered sugar
2 cup(200gms) maida
1/2 cup cornflour
1tsp level soda bicarb
2tsp level baking powder
2 tsp vanilla essence
2-3 tsp cocoa powder
a big baking tin of diameter 10-11"

15-20 almonds cut into long pieces
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
Strawberries cut into slices
1 tsp maida

1. Sift maida & corn flour with soda- bicarb & baking powder. Keep Aside.
2. Mix sugar and butter. Beat till very fluffy. Add milk maid. Beat well.
3. Add milk. Mix well. Add essence.
4. Add maida gradually beating well after each addition.
5. Beat well for 3-4 minutes till the mixture is smooth & light.( Soft dropping consistency)
6. Mix Almonds, walnuts and strawberries with 1 tsp maida to coat dry fruits.
7. Add half of the almonds mixture to the batter and mix well. Divide the mixture into two equal parts.
8. To one part, add 2-3tsp of cocoa powder. Add 1tsp milk. Mix well.
9. Grease and dust 2 loaf tins or a big cake tin.
10. Put spoonfulls of mixture alternatively in the tin.
11.Smoothen the top, pushing the mixture backwards from the centre to make a slight depression in the centre.
12. Sprinkle the left over almonds mixture on the cake to cover it well. Bake for 60 mins in pre heated oven at 150 degree C.


Prep Time: 15 mins

200 gms Unsalted smoothened Butter
250 gms Icing sugar
2 tsp Hot Water
Almond Essence - 1tsp

Method :

1. Take butter in the bowl. Gradually beat in sifted icing sugar till mixture is light & fluffy.
2. Add hot water and almond essence and beat well.

Now Decorate the cake as per your choice.

Note: Put 1 tsp cocoa powder in mixture if you want.

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